Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Salsa or Sauce? Decisions!

It has been difficult to decide exactly where to jump in. I finally decided to go with what has been on my mind. If you checked Gotta Garden, you know that I had a window sill full of tomatoes. Salsa, salsa, salsa has been on my brain. Some years ago, I canned salsa and it was so yum...don't get me wrong, not because I did anything so wonderful, but because everything is just so fresh and full of flavor. It makes you wonder about all those Mexican restaurants with less than great salsa. I mean, if I can do it, can't they?? But, anyway, a couple things stood out from that experience. One was that I simply didn't make enough. Those few little jars were gone very quickly. Secondly, that picking tomato peels out wasn't too fun (I think I just left the seeds in). My only knowledge of food mills was ancient and not impressive.

Off I went and purchased some nice looking jars, wide mouth and big (like 16 oz). Perfect, I thought. They only came in sets of four, so I bought two. Next, I pulled out the trusty Ball Blue Book and read and reread the salsa recipes (Did I mention it's been a long time?). I could see the recipes were going to have to be tripled, at least.

Let me just cut to chase and say, no this isn't going to be about salsa. Even though I had this nice plate of tomatoes (more on that in a minute),

it wasn't going to be near enough for the quantity of salsa I desired. If I'm going to all this trouble, I want plenty of salsa to make it worthwhile. Besides, I came across this totally terrific post on Welcome to My Garden.

That about says it all, don't you think? No need for me to be repetitive, especially one as well done as that. So, when I acquire enough tomatoes (I certainly plan to!), there will be salsa in my future. I'll just tell you about it when it's!

Option No. 2 would be tomato sauce. Actually, this still won't be about the tomato sauce because I came across an absolutely beautiful post on that on Calendula and Concrete. Need I say more? I don't think so.

I did make tomato sauce and it pleased me to no end (and is in the freezer now), but I thought I'd share about part of what made the experience so good. Did you guess?? The food mill!

I set out on my venture looking for one that would allow me to concentrate my effort on the tomatoes and not on trying to keep the mill over the bowl. It was, for quite a while, a discouraging search Where are all the food mills, I wondered?? Isn't everyone harvesting tomatoes?? At the third place I went, I found my voice and actually inquired...of several people (duh? food mill?)...and a most helpful young man allowed me to stand over his shoulder while he searched on his computer. To my surprise, it turns out Oxo makes one! Not that the store had it, of course, but what a delight to think that one could be made to the standards we expect from Oxo (or at least I do, i.e., comfort, ease of use, long lasting, etc.).

It had been a long day already and having exhausted my options, I returned home to...where else...the computer. Viola! I found one north of me (if you've read Gotta Garden...and I hope you have/do, you know that just about everything is north or south of me...although some improvements are happening) and called to reserve one. Oh happy day, they had them! Next day, I set out (knowing the traffic that would await me, especially on the return) and you know what happened, don't you?? I arrived at Customer Service food mill for me. However, after a medium-sized wait, one was found for me (yes!). I was so tickled, it didn't occur to me to remember my 20% off coupon, but the heavens smiled on me and I was told I could just bring my receipt to the store near me and they'd give me the discount. (Hey, 20% from $49.99 is....lunch, at least!)

To the food mill....isn't it great!

It worked perfectly, by the way. It's stainless steel (hello dishwasher). The most divine puree was made. Just fyi, the plate above produced almost six cups. After reducing, I had just over four cups...which I divided into two quart freezer bags.

I hope you're enjoying summer's tomatoes. And, if the urge strikes you, do make some sauce or salsa. It's a way to make the summer last a bit longer. In winter, when you're so cold'll be nice and warm inside eating and enjoying your summer reward.

Okay, I know...where's the food? It's coming...eventually. As my dd would say, this was probably tldr (too long, didn't read)...I've noticed that pictures with just a little to say seem to go a lot further....I'll keep practicing.

1 comment:

Entangled said...

I recently bought an OXO food mill too, just for tomatoes. I looked high and low at the Linens'n'Things store here in Fair Lakes, and was about to give up, when I spotted the last one they had on a bottom shelf. I guess there's not a big demand for them around here. Anyhow, I've been using it to puree tomatoes for the freezer, but last night I made Gazpacho. Now I'm wondering how I got along all these years without this gadget.