Monday, August 20, 2007

Gotta Eat...In the Beginning...

Herewith, a collection or maybe a reflection of/on the food we eat. It probably won't come as surprise to learn that I enjoy well as gardening. I am, however, a simple cook. One who prefers comfort food and relative ease of preparation.

Looking over my cookbooks (yes, I collect those, too...thought not with quite the ardor I used to and have, in fact, purged them on two occasions...still, quite a few fill the bookshelves), I see two main genres, i.e., general cooking/Americana/comfort food types and soups/stews. I think we can safely gather that those two will give a broad hint to what will appear here. Other types of cookbooks do line those bookshelves, so anything is possible!

I'm not a particularly original or unique cook. Tinkering around the edges of a recipe is more my type of style. If I know it, I'll certainly tell the origins of a particular recipe. I remember being told that at least two changes in a recipe make it different enough to be considered "yours", but I don't necessarily buy into that. Sometimes more than one person will have the same the same time. It happens. All of us probably have family recipes that we no longer know who originated them or where they came from. With those disclaimers, please know that I am not claiming that I am the first to add this or change that. This is just the way I do it.

I also thought this would be a good way to share family recipes now that my children are pretty much out on their own. Sort of a virtual family cookbook, if you will. Knowing me, I'll probably consider anything food related as relevant, but, hey, that's the beauty of having your own blog.

Join me, won't you, on this new journey...and here's to good food....because we gotta eat!


Wanda said...

Are you accepting requests? If so, I would like your cashew chicken recipe, and your recipe for ribs.
Thanks in advance!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.